I embraced the slow & then I felt like a failure

Last year was my year of 'Less is More'. You can read all my posts here . We also had a really sick child. You can read all about that on my blog too. Giving up so much of our routine was exhilarating. At the start I was so relieved to not be rushing around. And it was OK because we couldn't have juggled our old timetable with a sick child as well. But as the year went on I became increasingly anxious. On one hand (the calm and logical one) I wasn't regretful because the kids weren't complaining. They seemed happy and relieved that life wasn't so frantic anymore. We actually had family meals together most nights of the week where everyone was there. We had lots of laughing and talking and sharing. No one had to rush off to be somewhere. We had time to get through homework and reading without stress. So while I wasn't regretful, I became stressed because I felt that I had failed the parenting exam. I had given up. ...