My year of less is more: my new schedule a month on

Almost a month ago I wrote a post about decluttering my schedule as part of my year of less is more . I wanted to have less busyness so we could have more time together and so I could be more of a nice mum! It has been one of my most popular posts ever and I'm sure it's because I'm not alone in feeling like life's all a bit crazy. I think many of us are searching for some balance in our family lives and are questioning what we're doing driving kids around from pillar to post, getting more and more frantic. I have to say it has been fantastic. I'm so pleased I bit the bullet on this one. Here's what has been great about it: 1. We have two afternoons a week with nothing we have to attend or get kids to. Four mornings a week are free before school. If you need to be reminded what our schedule was like previously check it out here . I've said that if they want to do anything new, it has to be in school time or something else...