My year of less is more: I like being more available for my kids,'s exhausting!

While there have been so many upsides to simplifying our schedule , on reflection, I've found that it has been quite draining for me. What I've discovered is that by us having more time to be together, share life together, and by me being more available and less busy, I hear more of what's going on for the kids. Not just rushing from activity to activity, we have more time to chat about their days. I see them more, so they share more (or in some cases, less 'sharing' and more 'hurling' of words as they unfurl their frustrations on me). So that's all lovely. And what I was hoping we'd have more time for. But with five kids, I can be going on and off for five hours of these debriefs. As children stumble in through the door throughout the afternoon. As they finish their assignment and decide NOW they're on for a chat. As they remember something AFTER I've turned the lights off (this is common, and being honest, my least favourit...