Random thoughts about books

I was reading the paper yesterday and noticed that of the five books nominated for the Christina Stead prize (worth $40k!), I had read three of them fairly recently. Out of those three, I loved one and was a bit disappointed with the other two. I really liked 'The Spare Room' by Helen Garner and read it in about a day after receiving it as a gift. I just loved the way she wrote. It the story of a woman who has an old friend come to stay with her for three weeks. But the friend is dying of cancer and has come to stay while she tries an alternative cancer treatment. It is terribly sad and so lacking in any hope. As a Christian I'm so accustomed to speaking about death and the aftermath with hope. And it was the lack of hope and the desperate attempts by the woman's friend to cling onto life that intrigued me. The other two books nominated for the prize were 'Breath' by Tim Winton and 'The Lieutenant' by Kate Grenville. I had...