"No reading at the breakfast table - it's a new rule", I heard myself announce. Internally I was horrified - was this really me telling the kids to stop reading? Reading is a core business in the Kemp house. A great moment of parenting pride for 2008 was when Aidan won the school library award! We've loved seeing the older kids get the hang of reading for themselves. Even Abbie (2) was reading to the cat last week.
But nothing was happening except reading and VERY slow eating. So to get out of the house in the mornings a sacrifice had to be made. We all feel sad still (no reading the paper at the table for me anymore) but we have been getting a lot more done in the mornings!
How long do you think this rule will last, and will you and Rowan be able to stick to it yourselves? Maybe it could just be a rule for weekdays...