Full-time mums are not bludgers
I'm getting into dangerous territory here ...
According to the Australian Treasury Department's Ken Henry, (The Daily Telegraph 10/09/09, The Australian 16/09/09) once my kids go back to school, I will be sitting around doing nothing so I'd better get cracking and get back to work. In his plan any
family tax benefits I'm receiving will be taken away so I will be forced to go back to work.
I should go back to work because it will be for my own good. Apparently the government now needs to tell Jenny with a brain all of her own, that she hasn't actually been experiencing any 'well-being' for the past 10 years.
How do we convince our society that:
(a) being home at with kids full-time is REALLY hard work and
(b) just because you can't measure this REALLY hard work in taxable income it is still immeasurably valuable to our society
Supposedly we're all a bit over 'feminism' and the battle has been won, but when there is even a whiff of women's choice being compromised in this way I do wonder what we've gained exactly.
It's all about the money and it drives me crazy. I have to work so hard to tell myself each day that what I do is truly, eternally valuable without being told that I only count in our society if I'm paying tax.
My simplistic theory on all this politics is that Rudd's wife is a career woman and Howard's wasn't...hence the different attitude to the whole stay at home mum deal.
Ah, now some sit around the house time - wouldn't that be lovely....can't remember when the last time I had that was....possibly before kids?! ;-)