Big week

Just returned from a great week at a missions conference in the mountains.  Very busy (I was helping with the baby creche) but encouraging and so, so challenging.

Here are some random thoughts from the week:

1.  I know lots of people at this conference.  I've been going since I was a little girl, so this is no surprise.  And I don't say it to brag.  I take great encouragement from attending year after year and seeing people who were my friends at 17 who are now off serving Jesus in Spain or older people who are now seriously old still attending and trusting Jesus.

2.  Gee, don't people ask some insensitive questions of the missionaries in public contexts?  "So, I'm not quite sure on why you decided to leave country X.  I'm not quite clear.  Perhaps you could spell it out a bit for me in front of 300 people?"  Nice work people.

3.  I worked with the best team ever in creche - and I've been on A LOT of teams.  The core team have done this together for years, but there were a few of us totally new to the team.  For two hours each morning we worked together to keep 25 little kids (0-18 months) happy.  There was no complaining or narky comments about the babies.  People just passed around babies, helped each other out, rescued each other when needed.  Very impressive and completely relaxing.

4.  My own kids went to a three hour kids' program each morning.  6 mornings for the bargain price of about $30 each.  The leaders are all volunteers (about 200 people were involved with the children - from babies - Year 12) and in fact still pay half the registration cost to be involved.  So thankful - every year, I feel overwhelmed by their kindness.

All the kids' program leaders on stage at final session

5.  I didn't go the main talks but got to hear lots of missionaries speak and went to a few evening sessions.  It is hard to come away unchallenged.  I always feel challenged to reconsider what I find hard about my own life in light of what others (who are just like me) have given up to work overseas.

6.  There was a shout out in one session for people who are librarians, PhD graduates (especially in Maths) and student workers to work in Tanzania.  Hmm ... combined, we fit the profile.  As an ex-MK, I'm always up for an adventure.  Let's go, I think.  Hubby - not so much, there's heaps we're doing here that is great.  Tricky.  But nothing new!

8.  Found no good books in the bookstore.  Disappointed.  But apparently I should have gone in earlier in the week.  I am richer as a result.

9.  The 62gr8 group (Years 6-8) held a fundraising car wash.  Our car is dirtier (quite an achievement).  It just makes us laugh.  Glad that $10 was a donation!

Almost all my family together
 (sister & family and my parents)

10.  Got to see my brother-in-law who was very sick a few months ago.  So fab to see him up and around (even though he must be smashed now).


Richard said…
Jenny, you will be able to download the Studies from the CMS website for a very small fee in a week or so.

Some people really are amazingly insensitive. I hope someone had a word to them after the session
Sandra said…
Our car is worse than when it started too :)

Did you work with my gorgeous friend Nerida in creche?
Karen said…
It sounds (and looks!) like you had a great week!
Tanzania...well, I'm sure that would give you some more great blogging material to share with us all!?
Eb said…
I really enjoyed the talks by Lindsay Brown. I think our car is slightly cleaner (but then that's not hard).
Bec said…
I used to go to this conference as a kid too. I must have met you at some stage! This year my Mum and sisters (and their families) were there. I love that first shot you have used. So many people gathered around brings back good memories.
Bec x
PS. I love your blog - Christian + Sydney + Mum, but I don't think I have commented before. Thanks.

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