The never ending job of the filling of the lunch boxes

I'm writing this post to show off how much of a real mother I am, what with all my baking 'n all. Other mum blogs often seem to involve a lot of craft and cooking and so I'm just trying to keep up with the pack here folks. I have to admit that I do bake every weekend so that the kids have things for their lunch boxes. That's because at the start of the year we instituted our new system (helpfully outlined by my 9yo daughter). They can only have one item of packaged food (I know, I know, one too many, I hear you say, but I always feel it is good to share my failures) and so I've been forced to be disciplined about cooking for them. The challenge is the same with anything I cook for them. Finding things they can/will actually eat (rather than things that make me feel like a real mother/blogger). One child has an intolerance to cheese so these don't work so well for him. Cheese and bacon scrolls And they don't like dried fruit, so sudd...