MK's and the missing social cues

Last week I finally got around to listening to a podcast that I downloaded months ago. Recommended by a reader it was a radio show from the States called 'Boundless' (comes under 'Focus on the Family') and it included an interview with three adult MK's. I enjoyed the podcast and plan to download others to listen to. ( ) One of the aspects of the interview that stood out to me particularly was when one of the MK's said that she missed 'social cues' when she returned from the mission field as a 15 year old. I remember this clearly as one of the aspects of returning home to Australia that I found particularly tricky. I just didn't quite 'get' what everyone was talking about in conversations. About 6 months after coming back I remember being at a 16th birthday party (at a friend's house that had been recently renovated - as an aside I genuinely couldn't u...