Are you a competitive parent?

I wouldn't say I am all that competitive but I sometimes feel like I've ended up as a participant in Project Offspring. I didn't know that I was entering a competition when we decided to have kids. I naively thought I was just having a few kids to create a little family. Oh no. How little I knew. It all started at my first mother's group - 'How many hours is he sleeping at night? How often do you feed him?' and we were off and running. I'm not a person who thrives on competition. I sometimes wonder if I'm a little bit alone on this. I like to achieve but I don't find being in a competition very empowering. In fact the opposite - I feel quite deflated by it. I've never been a star - never the best academically, never the best at music, never the best at sport. Always pretty good but never the best. Am I unhappy about this? No. I mostly feel fine about my mediocrity! I don't mind not being the star...