A girl and her glasses

I write this story down mainly for my own gain but perhaps you will be encouraged by it too.

Last weekend I was having a melt-down about our families' finances.  Or what I felt was a lack of finances!  This happens to me semi-regularly.  How are we going to survive?  What if we have to move?  What if no-one will rent a house to us?  All these questions fly through my mind and overwhelm me.

As a Christian, I live my life believing that God has promised to look after me.  Matthew 6: 25-34 is a wonderful series of promises.   So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' ... your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 

I truly believe that - He hasn't let me down in 37 years.  And in the past, we've been more financially challenged than we are now.

Yet, I still get worried.  And on that  Sunday afternoon my nine year old daughter lost her glasses swimming at the beach.  I thought "Why has God allowed this to happen on a day when I was already feeling worried?".

On Thursday I got my bill for the preschool fees.  Due to a subsidy the government has given our preschool for low-income earners, my bill was significantly less than usual.

I calculated that the amount of money that preschool has saved me was enough to cover a new pair of glasses.

Coincidence?  Perhaps.  I can be thankful to the government for their generous provision.

But I also want to thank God who keeps providing for us and gently reminds me (despite my huge lack of faith and trust) that he will look after me and he is interested in the little things in my life.

"Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged,  for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go"   Joshua 1: 9


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