Over scheduled kids or over scheduled mum?
I realised today that I've become one of those mothers who carts children around to different activities all week. I've become a soccer mum - without the soccer part. I've always been wary of over scheduling my kids because I know they need time to hang out at home and just relax and play.
So I've been feeling bad about all that my kids are doing. Until I suddenly thought about it and realised that individually they aren't doing heaps (enough, but not heaps). However, when you start multiplying their activities by five children, it is me that has become over scheduled! I am obsessed with how I'm going to fit it all into a day. My brain can't seem to cope with thinking much past a day at a time. Don't ask me about Thursday on Monday - I would not have a clue! And certainly don't ask me on Sunday how my week was - that information has been long deleted to make room for the next lot of stuff. Even on Monday morning, asking about my weekend can be a push!
Oh, and then I'm trying to study, be married, have some friends, go to church, do exercise, brush teeth, help at school and occasionally wash and sleep. Is the answer to give up and just collapse at the feet of this schedule? Give up on my personal hygiene?! Just move into the Tarago?!
How did I get here? And how big can my capacity get? Only the next few years will tell ...
An ongoing struggle!