how quickly things change!

I went to a house warming on Monday and a friend posted this photo of me with my daughter on facebook.

Bizarre - I had my crooked teeth on Monday.  Now I just have gaps.  I'm certainly not smiling so enthusiastically anymore!

Just putting the photo here for posterity.

And by the way, that's the back of the crazy 3 yo in front of me.  I think her hair is indicative of her state of being at the moment!


Nicole said…
That is a really lovely photo of the two of you.
Jenny said…
Thanks Nicole!
Pip said…
I did notice this fabulous photo of you on FB! And also wondered what the 3yo was up to : )
Jenny said…
Whingeing Pip - it's her area of expertise at the moment! Especially at 4.30pm when this photo was taken!

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