Fitting In

Coming back to Australia when I was almost 15, for many years I felt like I didn't really fit in (I probably still feel that a little - see my previous post ). I felt that I didn't quite 'get' all the social nuances of relationships. I was unsure of how I fitted into this new world. This is a very, very common experience for MK's. But you know what I've learnt? That this is not just an experience for MKs. This is an experience of human beings. Talking to my friends who have always lived in Australia, there are still things that make them feel like they don't quite fit in. Perhaps it was not being cool enough at high school. Perhaps it was feeling not as clever as other friends. Perhaps it seems that everyone else at church is really connected and they don't feel connected. Perhaps all the other mums at school are involved in a busy social life and they aren't. Perhaps it is thinking differently about something that everyone else ...