24 hours on the farm

We spent Friday night and Saturday at our friend's farm near Goulburn.  It was our friend's 40th birthday party - an old uni friend.  Our friends so kindly organised the most amazing weekend for all our children (and many of us have many offspring!).  Treasure hunt, pony rides, quad bike rides, feeding the lambs - endless walks for the dogs.  It was a packed 24 hours.  We spent Friday night in a shearing shed - I have to admit that I have never felt so cold before and didn't sleep very well.  But it was great fun for the kids and lovely for us to have time to see old friends.

Abbie was fairly painful - she's not good without much sleep and so I felt the day was very long as she sprawled all over me, whinged, went to the toilet a billion times, asked to go home at 10am and could she watch TV?!

Weekends like this make me feel that having five kids actually is a lot of work.  Not because I actually sighted my children for most of the day but because it takes a lot of work to get packed up, set up beds, and pack it all up again.  It's like going to the beach - I find it so tiring carting all the equipment there and back, plus rinsing/hanging everything out.

Anyway, despite my little whinge, all these things do get easier as they get older.  Which is a good thing.  Because I'm getting old and my stamina is waning!


Motherhugger said…
Jen, I've been looking at the Sport & Rec camps. Family holidays, where the kids are occupied so lots of reading time for me, or camps you can send the kids aged 7 to 12 to on their own. Imagine! Drive them to Hornsby station Monday morning, pick them up Friday night. Not expensive. Accommodation and food included. That's a holiday that suits me.

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