Busy week

Bit tired - has been a full-on week and it's not over yet.  Last week of school is always so crazy and tiring.  I'm not a girl who loves the craziness - I just long for it to end.  However, I'm trying to enjoy all the delights of this time of the year for my children.  It is so special for them as they celebrate their achievements, their milestones, getting to the end of another year.

On Monday I took my son to his high school orientation.  Even though we stood in the uniform shop queue for an hour, he had a great time.  It feels like it's actually going to happen for him and he's ready.  On the way home he said, "You know what Mum, I might not look excited, but I am super-excited on the inside".  Yesterday he had his school's presentation morning, and because he is school captain he had to give a speech, give gifts to invited guests and introduce items.  He also won a very special award and was able to be generous to his good friend when she won the Dux of the school (I think he quietly had his eye on that prize!).  He had his end of year band party after school, where the Year 6's were farewelled.  He was exhausted last night and I was close behind him.  He still has his Year 6 party tonight and a carol service to perform at tomorrow night.

At the other end of my family, Abbie turned 4 this week and then today, had her end of year preschool concert and 'graduation'.  So funny - she was completely overwhelmed by the whole experience and a bit stressed out.  But it was strange for me to think that next year it will be my last time of going to a preschool concert.  And the first time for a high school speech night.

So, I'll just get through this week and face all the Christmas shopping that is yet to be completed.  Our poor No 4 child.  Not calm at the best of times, this week has done nothing for his temperament and patience levels.  He's like our canary - too much going on in our family and it comes out in his behaviour.  So sensitive, poor kid - hopefully the school holidays will give him the hours of downtime that he needs to regroup.

And, No 2 child has her first clarinet exam tomorrow - I'm a nervous wreck (but am thankfully not accompanying her) and she's pretty anxious too.  Looking forward to taking her out for lunch afterwards.


Motherhugger said…
Jenny, I noticed how gracious he was when Dux was being presented. You have many reasons to be proud of him.
Peter Sholl said…
Congratulations Adian. Graciousness will be remembered far beyond academic results.
Peter Sholl said…
.. as will spelling.....
Kylie said…
Hi Jenny - the uniform queues must be universal! :-)So glad orientation went well for you all - there are so many milestones when you are finishing Year 6 aren't there? Only a few days to go now....

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