Of all the books to choose ...

If you were seven and you had the whole school library to choose from, what would you choose?

Why 'Helicopters at War' (1977) of course.


Merrin said…
Ha! i think sam had that last week... he currently has "weapons of world war 2" and aeroplanes of war - will pass them on to you...
Deb L said…
And that's why it's so hard to get rid of library books. Because just when you pick it up and think, "No one's ever going to borrow that again..." along comes a kid who's been looking for JUST that kind of book.
Karen said…
We are seeing a few too many "Goosebumps" books from the school library in our house at the moment. The storylines are so predictable, I can't believe they have held the kids' interest for so long. I'd love to see some Helicopters at War here....well, anything different really.
Sandra said…
It could be worse Karen - it could be the endless fairy books.
mattnbec said…
In our house, it's books about ancient Rome/Greece/Egypt. The boy is 4 and knows all manner of things I will never know about Greek gods, Egyptology and Roman emperors. And Star Wars.

But I agree about the endless fairy/princess etc books.

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