If I was a proper mother ...

If I was a proper mother I would shop at Aldi, trawl catalogues for bargains, visit a variety of supermarkets for said bargains, go to the fruit market every Saturday morning at the crack of dawn, shop at Costco for giant pizzas and bulk toilet paper, sew my children's clothes and shop at factory outlets.

Instead, I hate shopping, go to Coles, buy it all there (including the expensive, but nasty fruit and veg), buy some children's clothes when desperate (most are hand me downs - lovely because it involves no shopping), can't be bothered driving all the way to factory outlets/Costco/fruit market and never look at a supermarket catalogue.  I've given shopping around a go in the past but I like people better.  They are more interesting than shops and if I have a choice I'd much prefer a chat than a shop.

Just thought I needed to get that off my chest.  Sorry.  I'm just a fake dressed up in Mum clothes.


Wendy said…
Those things don't make you a proper mother Jenny, they just highlight an obsession with cost over other priorities. Which, of course, you already know!
Helen said…
I used to do that - with only one child! After I had two, always unwell kids it wasn't important anymore. It's hard for it not to turn into an idol!
wide eyed said…
I too am not a proper mother. We end up having completely random food just so I don't have to shop. Yes tomato sauce on old pasta in all different shapes with token frozen peas is a proper meal.
Meredith said…
One stop shopping works for me!
Richard said…
Lol, Jenny, I told you what I thought at Summer School. I need say no more :)
Anonymous said…
You sound very much like a 'Proper Mum' - however it is that you shop. I like to think that I am a 'Proper Mum' too - but I do shop at both Aldi and Woolies because its cheaper, and I do go to the markets every second Saturday at 5.30am for my fruit and veg because its fresher and cheaper and has mopre variety. I don't sew clothes or go to factory outlets, and I do HATE shopping. I have 3 kids who are 6, 5 and 2. I think 'Proper Mums' do the best they have, with what they have, where they are, and justifying our own choices by criticising others or impugning their motives like your second commenter just don't help anyone. Great blog.
Pip said…
Jenny if you were a proper mother you wouldn't even be shopping for bread but baking your own ; )
Wendy said…
I'm sorry Anonymous, I didn't mean to offend anyone, please accept my apology.

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