Melbourne in winter

Enjoying a break, visiting friends in Melbourne. Survived the 10 hour drive, leaving at 5am. So much easier traveling with older kids. We remembered on the way down doing the same trip when we had three kids ages 4, almost 2 and 3 months old. We had to stop a lot and it took us two days to get there!

One advantage of having friends in church work is that they often move around giving you people all over the place to visit (unfortunately it also means that a lot of our long term friends don't actually live near us, but hey, leaves room for new friends). It's also nice when the house that comes with the job is a massive vicarage built in the 1890's (btw this is old for Australia). My kids are a little jealous of all the bedrooms and space. Me not so much - a lot of cleaning (and we're all aware of my love of housework).

It is cold though. I'm not a great cold weather person. I do have to say that I'm fully enjoying a gorgeous coat that a lady at work gave me last year. Really does make all the difference.

I liked visiting theState library of Victoria yesterday. Such a beautiful space. Being the library tragic that I am, I found myself taking photos of some cool shelving in the kid's area.


Karen said…
Love the house (and the coat!)

Also glad to discover I'm not the only one who likes to check out the local library whenever we are away on holidays somewhere...a new library to me is like a treasure chest waiting to be opened :)
Good to hear the holiday is going well, despite the weather. If you want to warm up, come to Sabah! I understand the comment about older kids, remembering a drive to Brisbane with you when you were about 12 months - it has left a permanent scar!

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