Librarian joys

Let me bore you for a short moment with a high point of my teaching year so far. I take this Year 7 class once a fortnight for a library lesson in one of their English periods. Still, today, they arrive late for their last lesson of the year having 'forgotten' that it was library. They are totally off with this fairies this group. We've certainly had a few low moments along the way. Today their class teacher insisted that they choose a book to borrow for the holidays. They don't love reading (um, understatement). This pronouncement was greeted with their usual moans and groans about anything resembling schoolwork. But I managed to get them to all leave the library having borrowed at least one book and many of them had borrowed more than one. I was able to talk to them for ages, recommending new books that I had read over the year that I thought they would enjoy. All the hours I've spent reading young adult fiction that starts to sound the s...