Home again

After a long flight home I was thrilled to be home with my gang, early on Christmas Eve. Despite jet lag I managed to go to church and see the Christmas lights that night and enjoyed a relaxing Christmas Day with our family and grandparents.

I loved my time away and I found it really refreshing. Even though I was staying with another family, it wasn't mine so I didn't carry the responsibility of thinking through all the logistics of life. I realised that just not carrying a mental to do list around in my head for a fortnight was a wonderful respite. I could only do this because I am married to a wonderful man who took on the whole gig at home on his own.

I have to say that on the day I flew out i did SMS my sister saying that this was probably the craziest thing I'd ever done. I know that it was a huge privilege for me to do a trip like this, but I would highly recommend doing a break like this if your life is as mad as mine. Ideally I would have loved to do the trip with Rowan but that's not where we're at.

Looking forward to going away on the weekend for a family holiday. Great to be able to spend lots of time together.



Karen said…
Welcome home :) Love the T-shirts.

It sounds like you had an amazing time. Enjoy the next holiday too, even though I am guessing the to-do list will probably be making a (hopefully small) comeback for that one :)

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