"They are always leaving me out!!"
This has been a common refrain from my younger two over the school holidays. Their biggest fear in life seems to be being left out or not being able to keep up. I have two very determined little people fighting for their spot in our family. Fighting with each other and fighting with their siblings to find their place.
A bit wearing ... and
Are kids who are homeschooled nice to each other? I guess they must get used to each other. But for a few days this week at my house, school has felt like a wonderful place simply because they will not be with each other for 6 hours of the day.
I remember talking to a school dad who had two kids, five years apart. He was shocked when I told him my kids fight all the time. I don't what kind of shop he thought I was running, but it certainly isn't one of endless love and harmony.
Hoping for excellent skills of relating and conflict resolution (or perhaps avoidance after the trauma of our family) to come out the other end.
Well, c'mon people. You have to have HOPE ;)
Now my kids irritate each other most days, and I find it really appalling, but apparently it is normal... I just didn't experience it as a child or a sibling!
Pull them off their devices 5 minutes before bedtime. Pass them their toothbrushes (already with toothpaste on them) and point them in the direction of the bathroom. Some time during the teethbrushing, the kids will de-zombify and it won't be pleasant. But it's only 5 minutes before bedtime so you can endure it.
That's my suggestion.
I'm going to work.
One of them came up with the solution of "pretending [the other one] doesn't exist" when they are getting on each other's nerves. That would be good if he could actually follow it through!
Like you I try to reassure myself it is training them in assertiveness and conflict resolution.