Buy Cards - Change Lives (update)

Kitenge bone
Thanks to all the people who have contacted me and ordered cards. I do appreciate it a lot.  Without postage the cards are $2.50/each. The cost of the cards increases to about $3-$3.50/card once the postage is added on (in Australia).

Below is a list of the cards that I have left at the moment (Note: these pictures are from the website and our cards in Australia only have white envelopes).

Time to get in quick!  You can email me at And sorry about the layout - I find it really hard to get blogger to arrange images nicely for me.  All looks a bit chaotic!

Beaded butterfly: Pink or Blue
Beaded lady bird
Beaded dragonfly: Green or Purple

Motorbike: Coke
Helicopter: Coke
Guitar: Coke

Tin can dude (Coke/fanta)

Tin can girl dude (Coke/fanta)
Recycled tin can boy

Recycled tin can girl
Cupcake:  Happy Birthday

Baby boy/girl/silver
Teapot:  Thank you


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