My brainfog (and I'm not even the one with the chronic fatigue!)
This morning we clean forgot that #4 child needed to be at band at 7:15am. We've only been taking a child to this band for, I don't know, like SIX years! I've forgotten a lot of things recently. On Friday I forgot that I actually had one child at school (the primary kids were all at home for most of last week sick) and had to rush down to school and pick him up. Why is my brain malfunctioning on basic routine-type stuff? I was pondering what was taking up my brain space instead. This morning at 7:15am I was thinking about what time we needed to get J up so she could be ready in time for her half day at school. I was thinking about whether or not she'd actually be well enough to get there. I was thinking about what I might need to do to push her to get up and dressed. I was thinking about how I'd cope if she started crying and complaining that she felt too tired (she always feels too tired). I was thinking about what I could say that...