Taking the grump out of Christmas

As November started this year I felt a familiar sense of impending doom.  I find November very busy with all the 'we need to do it in November because December is too busy' events and then as we get into December we have all the end of year concerts, speech nights, carols, presents, shopping, cooking... I feel tired writing it down.

I had a little whinge on Facebook about my disgruntlement (as one does) and someone helpfully suggested that I give Tim Chester's new book of readings for Advent a go.  Normally the 'bah humbug' in me would just go 'Nup, there is nothing that will shift MY grumps'.

But then I thought about it for a bit.  What is it that makes me grumpy?  It's partly the busyness and the tiredness.  But it's partly that I want to enjoy Christmas.  I want to enjoy celebrating the birth of Jesus.  I want to reflect on what this means to me as a Christian.  But the busyness and the tiredness get in the way.  So what's the answer?  Well, the busyness and tiredness ain't shifting anywhere soon. So I should just accept that there's a lot on and work out another way to reflect on God's gift to us in Jesus.

I've ordered the book.  It's a book of Advent readings from the beginning of John.  Not your typical Christmas narrative to work through so I'm intrigued.  And, to be honest, each little chapter is REALLY short, so I think I might actually be quite successful and get through it!

And I thought that to keep me motivated and on track I would blog through each little chapter and through Advent in the lead up to Christmas.  Mostly for myself because it will force me to have stop and reflect if I'm going to write something down.  But also because others might like to share this time with me (so buy the book if you're interested in joining me http://www.thegoodbook.com.au/upcoming/the-one-true-light).  

Tim Chester writes in his introduction:

  "So by all means make sure you've bought your presents, ordered the turkey, attended your parties and ticked off seeing the relatives.  But see the 24 daily readings in this book as an opportunity to focus not on the to-do list, or even on Christmas as such, but on Christ - to join John in fixing your eyes on Jesus, the one true light."


Sara Gray said…
Looking forward to reading along with you!!

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