Advent Challenge Day 11

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God John 1:12

OK.  Today I've officially hit the wall.  I have too many things to do in a short amount of time, very little energy and very little motivation.  My pantry has a fruit fly plague, my kitchen has that icky feeling of not having been cleaned properly for a while.  Kids are grumpy and annoying me and each other.  I haven't got my Christmas shopping done yet and I'm starting to not care (which is dangerous because come Christmas Day someone will miss out and then I'll feel bad).

My children's bedrooms are also a mess but who has time to worry about that at the moment?!  The good news is that despite having a messy room and not being particularly pleasant (because they're tired after too many events and late nights), my kids are still my kids.  Their status hasn't changed because of their ineptitude with housework.

The reminder that today's verse gives us, is that even if we're a mess and our lives aren't great, once we trust in Jesus, we're in God's family.  We're his children.

Tim Chester writes 'Our new birth is what makes us God's children - not our efforts.  Relating to God is not complicated or hard.  It is as simple as a child relating to her father.  So our job is to trust in God as our Father: to see his smile, to welcome his embrace, to enjoy his love'.

Catch up on the rest of the Advent series here


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