Advent Challenge Day 19

Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. John 1:16

Over the past few days our family has been watching 'Star Wars' together in preparation to see the new movie. It's one those classic series where if you've seen all the movies you pick up the clues given at different points in the movies about who people are and their significance to one another. (Annoying for those who haven't seen it before I might add!)

Reading this verse is a little bit like that. It's one of those 'if you've read the story up to now you'll get what's going on' moments. Here John says that God already showed his chosen people the Israelites grace by choosing to dwell with them but now in the arrival of Jesus we have ALL (that word again-a reminder this is for all people) been given a grace that replaces that already given.  We all have the opportunity to have God dwell with us.

Why is this grace? Why is it a gift? Neither the Israelites or us have done anything much that would impress God to have him want to be with us. Yet even in our imperfection and mess and often consistent ignoring of God, he still wants to know us, be with us, restore the brokenness. Only he can do it. And he did it for us in sending Jesus. We need to sit up and take notice of John's words because we have to actually accept and hold onto this gift.

This grace for all.


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