Advent Challenge Day 7

 The light shines in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it John 1:5

As Jesus lay dying on the cross, darkness covered the earth.  His friends were confused and bewildered.  He had promised so much, yet here he was dying.  If this was the end of the story, I'd be feeling pretty ripped off too.  I would think that darkness had indeed overcome.

But we know that Jesus came back to life.  It is his resurrection that gives us confidence when we read John's words at the start of his account.  Jesus is the light.  And the darkness of death did not overcome him.  When light shines, it doesn't matter how dark it is, the light will always been seen.

Even when life gets beyond what we can cope with and despite knowing that ultimately we all face death, if we trust in Jesus, the only one who can conquer death, the darkness won't overcome. That light will still shine.

'I have come into the world as a light', said Jesus, 'so that no one who believes in me
 should stay in darkness.' John 12:46


PS.  Congratulations for making it to Day 7 with me.  I do appreciate those who are pressing on with me (and if you are only just joining in, you can catch up here)


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