Back to basics????

This morning's paper greeted me with a story about how families are going back to basics. This looks good, I think - embracing the simple life. Apparently it's not just anecdotal - actual research is showing that we're more interested in home cooked meals and riding bikes and learning to sew. So to illustrate this news, the article opens with two little girls learning to make their own ravioli. "Families are embracing life's simpler pleasures, writes Paul Bibby. IT IS Thursday night at the Lewis household in Hunters Hill and the family are eating in. Clustered around the table, Ruby, 7, and Holly, 5, are learning how to make spinach and ricotta ravioli from professional cooking instructor Patricia Phillips - painstakingly forming the parcels as parents Kim and Christopher look on." So this is apparently us embracing the simpler things in life. TRULY???? Instead of eating out, we're getting a 'professional cooking instructor' to show our k...