'But how do you afford 5 kids?'

I was asked the question recently by a first-time mum, "But how do you afford 5 kids?". I actually didn't know what to say. In the end I cobbled together an answer - 'well, we've never had a lot of money', 'we don't go on fancy holidays', 'they go to public schools', 'live in a three bedroom house', 'we eat a lot of mince'. I was a bit hopeless. I suspect it is a question that others would like to ask too. So I've been thinking. How do we afford our kids? I don't actually know - I do know that we have trusted in God to look after us and we've never been hungry or homeless (except for one week in 2006 ... story for another day!). But we've made it this far and for some of the years we had no income when Rowan was studying and for most of the time we've had one income. We've always worked hard to live within the limits of the income that we have. It's often tight financially, but I don...