Book review: Room

I read this book in a day. It is a disturbing book, but like a car crash, hard to look away. Room is told from the point of view of 5 year old Jack. You soon discover that he lives in 'Room' and has lived there forever because he thinks this eleven by eleven room is the entire world. He lives with his Ma and they fill their days with exercises and small chores. His friends include Dora on TV who he talks to and he thinks is talking back to him. But at night he has to hide in 'Wardrobe' because Old Nick comes into the room to sleep with his Ma (unlocking the electronic combination door lock to come in). It is all quite horrifying, but the relationship between Jack and his Ma is incredible, as is her determination to protect Jack. I won't spoil the plot for you, but I'll just say that it doesn't all remain so depressing as the book goes on. Beautifully and cleverly written. Shortlisted for the 2011 Orange Prize and a worthy me...