Giveaway time ...

I got given Lisa McCune's book 'Hopscotch and Honey Joys' for free last year, but it is a recipe book and I have no more space in my kitchen for recipe books (however pretty). The book includes lots of kid friendly recipes (these cute bear car racers are an example, it also has the instructions for the marshmallow/freckle teacup thingeys). So I thought I'd share it with one of my readers. You need to work for this giveaway though. What's the healthiest family dinner you can produce in 30 minutes? On Mondays I get home from work at 5:30 and we need to eat at 6 because music lessons start at 6:15. Eeekkk. Gets a bit tight. Oh and we can't eat eggs or nuts because of the allergy child. Join the challenge and WIN!