The Secret life of a pretend housewife: Finale

All my dirty secrets are aired. Here we at the finale. It's been a long hard road of consistent blogging on a topic (although, not surprisingly, here I am a few days late). A tough three weeks... Just a few thoughts. Part of why I wrote these posts is because there is a tendency out there to celebrate the women who are routine type people. They are the women who do caring for their families 'properly'. They are the women on the TV ads for cleaning products. Not a bit of clutter, dirt, unwashed dishes in sight. I have friends who are great at housekeeping. I envy those women. I want to be more organised, have more predictable systems and routines. I've tried many times to be that person. But it is hard, and frankly, I'm just not great at it. So where am I now? As always, coming to terms with the limitations of being 'me'. I'll always have to work hard at keeping on top of housework. I like havin...