Stepping back in parenting (just a little)

I know that when my kids were little I often felt that I had no power. The endless tantrums proved this to be true. But I could basically keep pushing the kids to behave in a way that I deemed appropriate (with varying degrees of success). A lot of time was (and is still) spent in correction of behaviour. The question that is now starting to challenge me is how do you start to step back from that approach as they get older? I was having a long, painful discussion with my teenager yesterday about what I thought he should do with a project he had to present in class today. The discussion was getting fraught and we were going around in circles. In my heart, I just felt that I probably had a pretty good idea of what the teacher was expecting from him, and I didn't want him to get disappointed with the outcome. As we were talking I decided that I needed to stop hassling him. He had to work it out for himself, take responsibility for that...