If you want to feel old...
If you want to feel old go on a conference with 600 undergraduate uni students. That's what I'm doing next week for a few days. In preparation to not look like a completely exhausted old lady I put myself through the hairdresser trauma yesterday (this has been discussed previously on my blog). I now have a full head of beautifully coloured hair. However all I have to do now is do something about the wrinkles, daggy clothes and become quite vague about exactly when it was that I did that B.A. The vagueness is necessary since I did it before the current undergrads were born and that just gets a bit embarrassing for the poor things who are left trying to work out what you say to such an ancient woman. Frankly I'm fighting a losing battle - you're officially old at 23 so I'm going to just have to get my head around how they perceive me. Tricky when I still perceive myself at about 25!