TV show: Friday Night Lights

It's a show about a high school football team in a small Texan town. Excited? No? Ok, so I have had a few challenges convincing others that this is a great show. I've been watching the first season on TV for the past few months, but I think the box set will be making it's way onto my Christmas list. It's actually a show about the players on this football team, the cheerleaders, school and their messy lives in a dysfunctional town. Surrounded by dysfunctional relationships, the team's football coach, is the stable, sensible, 'good guy'. It's also about Coach's marriage, his relationship with his teenage daughter and the fact, that while he plays the good guy, it's not all smooth sailing for him and his wife either. Mindless, easy to watch, no great complexities! Perfect for me to fall asleep through on a Friday night. Plus there are five seasons of the show made so it will keep me going for a while.